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January 2009 Microscopy Today Table of Contents

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January 2009 Microscopy Today Table of Contents


Here is the January 2009 Microscopy Today table of contents. We will
close the subscription list for this issue on Wednesday, January 7, 2009.
Microscopists in North America and MSA members anywhere qualify for free
subscriptions. Anyone else may subscribe for US$60 per year (to
PARTIALLY cover postage). All subscriptions at
http://www.microscopy-today.com .

Thank you,
Ron Anderson, Technical Editor
Tiny Bubbles
Stephen W. Carmichael, Mayo Clinic

New Large Area Silicon Drift Detectors - Fast Analysis without Compromise
Clair Collins, Neil Rowlands, Peter Statham, and James Holland, Oxford
Instruments, High Wycombe, Bucks, England

Microscopy Today New Publication Directions
Ron Anderson and Charles Lyman,*Microscopy Today, Largo, FL and *Lehigh
University Bethlehem, PA

Manufacturer Training of Electron Microscopy and Analysis Techniques
Neil Rowlands, Oxford Instruments, Concord, MA

Remote Microscopy for Education and Outreach
S. Seraphin, S. Hernandez, G. Chandler, D. Bentley*, K. Dorame, M.
Sellers,** Univ. of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, * ** N. Arizona Univ.,
Flagstaff, AZ

The Electron Microscopy Database: an Online Resource for Teaching and
Learning Quantitative Transmission Electron Microscopy
Paul M. Voyles, Department of Materials Science and Engineering,
University of Wisconsin, Madison, Madison, WI

SEM Short Courses for Industry: the Lehigh Microscopy School as an example
Charles E. Lyman, Department of Materials Science and Engineering,
Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA

Direct Visualisation, Sizing and Counting of Virus and Phage Particles
in Liquids
Bob Carr, and Duncan Griffiths,* NanoSight Ltd., Salisbury, UK,
*NanoSight USA, Costa Mesa, CA

Pioneers in Optics: Ernst Abbe (1840-1905)
Michael W. Davidson, The Florida State Univ., Tallahassee, FL

Single-Molecule DNA Stretching Using Optical Tweezers
Joost van Mameren, Anna Wozniak, and Sid Ragona,* JPK Instruments,
Berlin, Germany, *Ragona Scientific, Pittsford, NY

Event Streamed Spectrum Imaging using Programmed Beam Acquisition in
Biological Microprobe Analysis
P. Ingram,* S. D. Davilla,** & A. LeFurgey*, *Duke Univ. and Veterans
Affairs Med. Ctr, Durham, NC, **4pi Analysis Inc., Durham, NC

RGB-Splitting and Multi-Shot Techniques in Digital
Photomicrography–Utilization of Astronomic RGB-Filters in True Color Imaging
Jörg Piper, Clinic “Meduna,” Bad Bertrich, Germany

Preventing the Sale of Fraudulent Gemstones using Non-Destructive X-Ray
Fluoresence Spectroscopy
Mary S. Goldman, Dan L. Davis, Robert H. Clifford, Shimadzu Scientific
Instruments Inc., Columbia, MD

Industry News

SPECIMEN PREPARATION - glutaraldehyde shelf life
SPECIMEN PREPARATION – processing paraffin specimens for TEM
MICROTOMY – flattening sections
MICROTOMY – wetting the knife
MICROTOMY - coated grids
IMMUNOCYTOCHEMISTRY - fluorescence quenching
IMAGE PROCESSING - reference image subtraction
TEM – image distortion
TEM – comparison with STEM
SEM – backscattering detector image formation
SEM – backscatter detector
SEM - Coating for focused ion beam (FIB) SEM
SEM – active and passive acquisition
EM - SF6 detector
EM - CTF function
EM – pump speed vs. ultimate pressure
EM - plasma cleaner
SEM – oil shale rock sample preparation
SEM - of paper

Dear Abbe

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