Java memory issue with Simagis Live service

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GinaQwer GinaQwer
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Java memory issue with Simagis Live service

I’m using free Simagis Live service (, beta  ) to share my microscopy slides with collaborators. They say they you can upload Tiff files of any size but when I’m trying stream BigTIFF images over 1.5GB to my folder on server using Upload Utility, I’m getting Java error message “OurOfMemoryError Java heap space” .  I have 3GB of memory on my machine but looks like Java does not let me use all of it. Does anybody know how to make Java use all the memory? Or how to upload large files to Simagis Live server bypassing memory issues?
malaag7 malaag7
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Re: Simagis Live service

I have been trying new virtual microscopy service called Simagis Live to share large full microscope slides with my colleagues. It works very well with tiff files and company says that mosaic files will be supported soon. You can share full slide on-line in just few mouse clicks and within couple of minutes, if you have good internet connection. Other neat features include on-line annotations instantly visible to all viewers as well as turning unique sharing URL on and off in a single click.  It is actually useful of all images – large and small. I highly recommend it. The service is now in the closed beta phase, but you can request invitation on technical beta site: