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The Biotron Centre for Experimental Climate Change Research at the University
of Western Ontario in London ON Canada, has an opening for a full time, full
benefits Microscopy Imaging Technologist.
Our Imaging Module offers full service Microscopic Imaging facilities - FEI CM
10 TEM with digital camera, Philips 420 TEM with EDS, Hitachi S3400-N VP
with EDS, Zeiss LSM Live 5 DOU Confocal (Vario 2), Zeiss Z1 5 channel
fluorescence fully digital microscope and digital imaging workstation, Zeiss
Axioskop II Mot 3 channel fluorescence with digital imaging workstation, Zeiss
Lumar V12 fully digital Stereomicroscope with 3 channel fluorescence and
digital imaging workstation, Quartz/PCI WAM image database, 10 Sun imaging
workstations, Riechert/LKB ultramicrotomes and a full service prep lab including
cell culture facilities.
We are looking for a microscopist experienced in confocal and/or scanning
electron microscopies - to view the job description and apply please see the
UWO Human resources Web page here:
Click on "I am Exploring a Career at Western" then "view Career Opportunities"
then "Technical (Non Teaching Staff)
Richard Harris, Manager - Imaging and Data Systems
The Biotron - Experimental Climate Change Research University of Western
Ontario, London Ontario, CANADA.
N6A 5B7
Ph. 519-661-2111 ext. 86780
Fax 519-661-3935
[hidden email]