Job Opportunity at UT Southwestern

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Reto Fiolka Reto Fiolka
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Job Opportunity at UT Southwestern

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Dear all,

I have a job opening at my new lab at UT Southwestern. I am looking for a post-doctoral researcher who is interested in working in the field of adaptive optics and rapid volumetric imaging. The new microscope technology will be employed for ex vivo and in vivo imaging of patient derived cancer cells, for which we have an excellent environment here at UT Southwestern. We also have a strong collaboration with the Danuser lab, which is developing analysis tools for 3D microscopy data. Thus besides the optical development, collaborative work in cancer cell biology and computer vision is possible and highly encouraged.
The candidate should have a PhD in physics or engineering in an optics related field, ideally microscopy. Experience in using LabView and Matlab, as well as ultra fast laser systems, would be a plus. Applications should be addressed directly to me.

Thanks for looking (and sharing)!


Reto Fiolka
Assistant Professor in Cell Biology
UT Southwestern
Dept of Cell Biology
Room NL 5.120GC
6000 Harry Hines Blvd
Dallas TX 75390
Phone: 214 648 4596