Job Posting: Postdoc position for 2-photon imaging of immune system

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Wendy Salmon Wendy Salmon
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Job Posting: Postdoc position for 2-photon imaging of immune system

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Posting for a colleague. Please contact Gabriel directly.

Post-doctoral position available - intravital imaging of the immune system.

Victora Lab – Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research at MIT – Cambridge, MA, USA

In the Victora lab, we combine intravital two-photon imaging with the development of novel imaging tools and genetically-altered mouse models to study the process of B cell activation and terminal differentiation, with special focus on the germinal center reaction. More information on the lab and on the Whitehead Institute available at and Imaging experience required, experience with immunology and intravital or live cell imaging is a plus. Please address inquiries to Gabriel Victora at [hidden email]


Wendy Salmon
Light Microscopy Specialist
Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research
W.M. Keck Imaging Facility
9 Cambridge Center, Rm 447
Cambridge, MA 02142
c: 617-429-0158
e: [hidden email]