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Dear colleagues,
Full-time fixed-term appointment for at least 3 years at the University of Oxford.
We are seeking a Microscopy Staff Scientist to participate in a research project led by Marco Fritzsche (www.bpi-oxford.com<
http://www.bpi-oxford.com>) and Michael Dustin as part of a collaboration between the Kennedy Institute of Rheumatology (KIR), the Weatherall Institute of Molecular Medicine – Human Immunology Unit (WIMM – HIU) and Micron Imaging Initiative at the University of Oxford. The major focus of this collaboration is the maintenance of the Extended-resolution total internal reflection fluorescence-structured illumination (eTIRF-SIM) microscope. This eTIRF-SIM platform was developed initially by Dong Li in the group of Eric Betzig at HHMI Janelia Farm, USA. The goal is to use the eTIRF-SIM technology in the context of multiple biomedically-motivated projects in collaboration with Christian Eggeling, thereby to establish this tool as a day-to-day technology within the Kennedy Imaging Facilities, and to offer the methodology Oxford-wide to new users less-experienced with this approach.
The post holder will work with Fritzsche’s team to maintain the eTIRF-SIM microscope at the KIR, verify its performance and provide technical support for users at the KIR, WIMM, and Micron on a day to day basis. It is expected that the position will provide opportunities for the post holder to innovate and publish on further developments in technology and biological insights resulting from the experiments supported.
You will hold a PhD in optical engineering, physics, or life sciences. You have expertise in the design and maintenance of custom-built microscopy as evident by publications in advanced microscopy. You will also possess expertise in optical design, microscope construction, laser alignment, and biological sample testing. Experience in image analysis of advanced microscopy modes would be desirable. A proven track-record of collaborative research with experience of experimental design, execution, and analysis is essential.
Please email us at
[hidden email]<mailto:
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