Job opportunity in Porto, Portugal

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Paula Sampaio Paula Sampaio
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Job opportunity in Porto, Portugal

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Dear Confocal Users Group,

The Instituto de Engenharia Biomédica (INEB)  are looking for a highly
motivated Ph.D. level scientist to support the in vitro bioimaging
facility management of the Centre of Bioimaging for Biomaterials and
Regenerative Therapies.

His/her duties will include expanding the spectrum of imaging
technologies offered (Confocal RAMAN Microscopy, Imaging Flow Cytometry
and Confocal Microscopy), perform instrument routine-checks and
maintenance, implement new procedures, contribute to the teaching
activities of the facility, training users in the proper use of the
instrumentation, and support them in basic image analysis. The position
entails the possibility to promote research projects in the in vitro
Bioimaging field in collaboration with the INEB. The candidate will have
access to specific training in the available techniques.

The salary will be established in accordance to the selected candidate
expertise and experience.

Candidates must have a PhD degree in a relevant scientific discipline
such as Biomedicine, Biomedical Engineering, Biology or a similar area.
Preference will be given to candidates with considerable imaging
experience. The ability to problem-solve, work independently and
communicate effectively within the team and with collaborators is also

Applicants should submit an application containing (i) a detailed
curriculum vitae, (ii) a motivation letter and (iii) the contact of two
referees. Please
include the call reference (Ref. INEB_UNIDADE_174_01_2012) and your full
name in all correspondence. Candidates will be evaluated and pre-selected
based on the submitted documents. Only the pre-selected group of
candidates will be invited for an interview.

All applications should be sent to the email address: [hidden email]
Deadline for applications is the 17th of June 2012.

More information at




Paula Sampaio, PhD.
IBMC - Instituto de Biologia Molecular e Celular
Universidade do Porto
Rua Campo Alegre 823
P4150-180 PORTO

Tel: +351 226074900  Ext: 1606
Fax: +351 226099157
email: [hidden email]