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Dear all,
for a large biological high content screening project at Biozentrum
Basel (Dept. for Infection Biology), we are looking for an IT
technician / developer / administrator (all in one person).
The successful applicant will be working with data management and
processing in a Linux-based cluster environment. Existing tools
(web-based and shell-based) are used to employ processing workflows
on large datasets. In addition, data must be made accessible for
biologists on desktop-computers (Windows-based). The person will work
closely together with two software engineers with background in image
analysis and statistics/modeling.
The focus of this position is on data management, but ideal candidates
are able to use programming (Shell, Python, Matlab, Java, ...) to
automate repetitive tasks. The long-term perspective can include
smaller and bigger programming projects (Python, Matlab, ...) to aid in
biological applications. Individuals with a strong background in
programming (Python, Matlab, C/C++) are encouraged to participate in
development of image analysis and statistical methods for the
Linux-based cluster environment.
Please forward this to anywhere you think might be appropriate.
Kind regards,
Dr Rachel Benzies
Biozentrum, University of Basel
Klingelbergstr. 50/70
CH-4056 Basel Switzerland
Tel: +41 61 267 21 08
[hidden email]