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Search the CONFOCAL archive at
http://listserv.acsu.buffalo.edu/cgi-bin/wa?S1=confocal Listers, Here is the July 2008 Microscopy Today table of contents. I will close the subscription list for this issue on Friday July 3rd, 2008. Sorry for the short notice--it is due to the requirement to have the magazine printed well before the M&M meeting in Albuquerque. Microscopists in North America and MSA members anywhere qualify for free subscriptions. Anyone else may subscribe for US$60 per year (to PARTIALLY cover postage). All subscriptions at http://www.microscopy-today.com . Thank you, Ron Anderson, Editor ========================= How Much Force Does it Take to Move an Atom on a Surface? Stephen W. Carmichael, Mayo Clinic Beyond the Black Box: Interactive Global Docking of Protein Complexes Jochen Heyd, Stefan Birmanns, University of Texas at Houston, School of Health Information Sciences, Houston, Texas Comparing Binary Image Analysis Measurements – Euclidean Geometry, Centroids and Corners Dennis W. Hetzner, Timken, Co. Canton, Ohio Confocal Laser Microscopy on Biofilms: Successes and Limitations Betsey Pitts and Philip Stewart, Center for Biofilm Engineering, Montana State University, Bozeman, Montana Extreme High-Resolution SEM: A Paradigm Shift R. Young*, T. Templeton*, L. Roussel**, I. Gestmann**, G. van Veen**, T. Dingle** and S. Henstra** FEI, *Hillsboro, OR and **Eindhoven, The Netherlands Testing Parameters for Two-Dimensional Crystallization and Electron Crystallography on Eukaryotic Membrane Proteins with Liposomes as Controls G. Zhaoa, V. Mutucumaranab, D. Staffordb, Y. Kanaokac, K. F. Austenc and I. Schmidt-Kreya ,GA Inst. of Tech., Atlanta, UNC, Chapel Hill, NC, Harvard and Brigham and Women’s Boston, MA A New Perspective on Mechanical Testing: In Situ Compression in the TEM Julia Deneen Nowak, Zhiwei Shan and Oden L. Warren,*Hysitron Incorporated, Minneapolis, MN Confocal Micro X-Ray Fluorescence: A New Paradigm in Materials Characterization Brian M. Patterson, George J. Havrilla, Kimberly A. DeFriend, LANL, Los Alamos, NM Hardware and Techniques for Cross-Correlative TEM and Atom Probe Analysis B.P. Gorman,1 D. Diercks,1 N. Salmon,2 E. Stach,2 G. Amador,3 C. Hartfield,3 1U. of North Texas, Denton, TX, 2Hummingbird Scientific Instruments, Salem, OR,3Omniprobe, Inc., Dallas, TX Imaging Skin Epidermal Stem Cells: A Review Hilda Amalia Pasolli, The Rockefeller University New York, NY Signature Analysis Applied to EDS Microanalysis J.W. Colby & D. C. Ward, xk, Incorporated, Clackamas, OR Cryo-Fracture or Freeze-Fracture, a Method to Expose Internal Tissue Surfaces and Cell Surfaces for Viewing in the Scanning Electron Microscope Jeannette Taylor, Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia SEM Remote Control with a 3D Option F. Mighela, C. Perra, R. Pintus, S. Podda, M. Vanzi, Sardegna Ricerche, Pula, Italy and DIEE, U. of Cagliari, Cagliari, Italy Coloring Pictures for Electron Microscopists or Elements of Digital Image Manipulation for Students V.M.Dusevich, J.H.Purk, J.D.Eick, University of Missouri, Kansas City, MO Industry News NetNotes SPECIMEN PREPARATION – acetonitrile as a dehydration agent SPECIMEN PREPARATION - wicking or blotting grids SPECIMEN PREPARATION - sample mounting SPECIMEN PREPARATION – drying carbon paint for SEM SPECIMEN PREPARATION – dispersing particle for SEM SPECIMEN PREPARATION - sputter coating SPECIMEN PREPARATION – coating for SEM SPECIMEN PREPARATION – evaporating thick Al layers IMMUNOCYTOCHEMISTRY – brain tissue for EM DIGITAL IMAGING – resolution EM - algae in chiller EM - maximum length of vacuum lines EM - magnetic interference from UPS EM - filament life TEM - FFTs in focusing and removing objective astigmatism SEM - low keV imaging SEM - interference SEM – digital camera EDX problems Ask Abbe Advertiser's Index |
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