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Just a nanometer or two-Commercial Inquiry

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Frederick Madison Frederick Madison
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Just a nanometer or two-Commercial Inquiry

I have a question for the list that might help our company in our research.  If, in your choice of fluorescent filters, you had the option to move excitation,  emission and dichroic wavelengths in small increments, would you:

A.      Notice

B.      Think it would be sample dependent

C.      Think it would be fluorophore dependent

D.      Think it would make a difference given other technology such as software or cameras that could compensate

E.       Other


        Please feel free to call or comment via email.  Thank You.



Frederick Madison

Omega Labs

Fluorescence Product Sales

Delta Campus, Omega Drive

Brattleboro, VT 05301

802.251.7345 Direct Line

866.488.1064 x345 Toll Free (US)

[hidden email]



Please stop by to see us at any of the following events: 

Biomedical Optics - San Jose Convention Center, CA - January 24 – 25, 2009, Booth: 8215


Photonics West - San Jose Convention Center, CA - January 27 – 29, 2009, Booth: 215


BioResearch Product Faire – University of California, Berkeley, M.L.K. Union – January 30, 2009, Booth: TBA