LAST CALL! Open Source Image Analysis Dev and DevOps Job at Max Planck Institute in Dresden

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Deborah Schmidt Deborah Schmidt
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LAST CALL! Open Source Image Analysis Dev and DevOps Job at Max Planck Institute in Dresden

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Greetings everyone,

this is a friendly reminder that you can apply for the following positions until April 22nd.

We have two open positions for Scientific Software Developers/Programmers and DevOps Engineers to add to our creative and interdisciplinary research team at the Max-Planck Institute for Cell Biology and Genetics in Dresden and the Center for Systems Biology Dresden. We, namely the research groups of Pavel Tomancak and Florian Jug, develop methods and algorithms for image-based systems biology by applying and further developing cutting edge approaches that make use of various computer vision and machine learning techniques. Our work also includes the development of convenient and reusable algorithmic modules and user interfaces that are capable of dealing with gigabytes and terabytes of image data. Our efforts are all funneling into the open community projects Fiji, ImageJ2, and KNIME.

Full description can be found here:

Please submit your complete application in English including a motivation letter, CV, and at least two recommendation letters by April 22nd, 2018 via our online application system (Code: 2018-SSD-2210) at

We are very much looking forward to receiving your application!



Deborah Schmidt - Jug Lab
*C*enter for *S*ystems *B*iology *D*resden
MPI of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics
Pfotenhauerstr. 108, 01307 Dresden, Germany