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Hi everyone,
we need to get rid of our LSM 510 with an Laser Diode 405, Argon 458, 488,514 30mW, DPSS 561 15mW and HeNe 633 5 mW (see
http://cores.imp.ac.at/biooptics/equipment/m15-lsm510-axiovert200m-inverted/ for details).
The system is fully functional, it was running and has been under maintenance until it was de-installed by a Zeiss service technician last week.
Please contact me if you are interested.
Ing. Karin Aumayr
Head of BioOptics
Vienna Biocenter
Tel.: +43-1-797 30 3701
Fax: +43-1-798 71 53
http://cores.imp.ac.at/biooptics/Researchinstitute of Molecular Pathology
Dr.Bohrgasse 7
A-1030 Wien