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Laser Bleed-through on a Spinning Disc (CSU-22 & X1)

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EricMarino EricMarino
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Laser Bleed-through on a Spinning Disc (CSU-22 & X1)

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Has anybody measured, noticed or have any information regarding Laser bleed through of the Yokogawa CSU-22 or X1. I've placed notch and stop filters in the system and it didn't seem to work.  Since I'm using an EM camera I feel I might be enhancing acceptable bleed through. Any opinions or thoughts would be appreciated.

Eric Marino
Senior Imaging Specialist
Immune Disease Institute
Harvard Medical School
200 Longwood Ave
WAB 133D
Boston, MA 02115
Lab: 617 713-8885
Cell: 617 913-9647
[hidden email]
Eric Marino
Senior Imaging Specialist
Program in Cellular and Molecular Medicine
Boston Children's Hospital
Cameron, Lisa Cameron, Lisa
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Re: Laser Bleed-through on a Spinning Disc (CSU-22 & X1)

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Are you using single band pass or multi-band pass emission filters?

For instance, we have an emission filter wheel with 4 single band pass emission
filters and then a combination of dual and triple band pass. For the CSU-22, it
depends on what filters are installed in the head.

- Lisa

Lisa Cameron, Ph.D.
Director of Confocal and Light Microscopy
Dana Farber Cancer Institute
Boston, MA 02215
[hidden email]

-----Original Message-----
From: Confocal Microscopy List [mailto:[hidden email]] On
Behalf Of Eric Marino
Sent: Tuesday, July 26, 2011 12:33 PM
To: [hidden email]
Subject: [CONFOCALMICROSCOPY] Laser Bleed-through on a Spinning Disc (CSU-22 &

To join, leave or search the confocal microscopy listserv, go to:

Has anybody measured, noticed or have any information regarding Laser bleed
through of the Yokogawa CSU-22 or X1. I've placed notch and stop filters in the
system and it didn't seem to work.  Since I'm using an EM camera I feel I might
be enhancing acceptable bleed through. Any opinions or thoughts would be

Eric Marino
Senior Imaging Specialist
Immune Disease Institute
Harvard Medical School
200 Longwood Ave
WAB 133D
Boston, MA 02115
Lab: 617 713-8885
Cell: 617 913-9647
[hidden email]

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