I would suggest reading Dan Axelrod's paper on fluorescence polarization microscopy from Biophysical Journal, 1979, and also his book chapter in Methods in Cell Biology, 1989. For a more recent cellular context, take a look at the recent work by Erin Sheets and Angel Davey, also in the Biophysical Journal. There was also a posting about this topic a couple months ago on the listserver. Search for my posts and it should come up on the archive. Contact me offline if you need any more references.
John Oreopoulos, BSc,
PhD Candidate
University of Toronto
Institute For Biomaterials and Biomedical Engineering
Centre For Studies in Molecular Imaging
On 12-Feb-09, at 3:39 PM, Craig Brideau wrote:
Hello all. We have recently noticed some fairly strong laser field polarization dependent fluorescence effects in myelin stained with DIOC and FM dyes. Has anyone come across this in their own research? There are a couple papers I have heard of regarding this phenomena but I was wondering if anyone knows of a good reference for this.