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Dear Imagers -
Happy New Year! I just wanted to send out one last reminder for those of
you who want to attend next week's meeting: 9th Annual Advanced Imaging
Methods Workshop, Janaury 18 - 20, 2012. Registration closes January 12 at
midnight EST.
The final schedule can be viewed online here:
http://tinyurl.com/UCB-AIM2012We have a really great list of speakers this year! We are doing a redux on
our Adaptive Optics session. We are also adding a Thick Specimen session,
and two sessions on Probing Biological Function with Light. As always,
there will be top researchers in lifetime imaging (FLIM), time correlated
single photon counting, and single molecule imaging, as well as great
sessions on FRET and Clinical Imaging.
As an added bonus, we are bringing back real science demonstrations in our
facilities! We will have three facility locations showcasing various
instruments, live specimens, and home-built optics rigs. This is a unique
opportunity to interact with the people doing the experiments. Also, the
weather in Berkeley has been unseasonably warm and unbelievably sunny,
which is suppose to hold true through January 23, so if you're suffering a
little seasonal affective disorder, come on over! ;^)
All the best,
Holly L. Aaron
Molecular Imaging Center
Cancer Research Laboratory
University of California Berkeley
251 LSA #2751
Berkeley, CA 94720-2751
510.642.5741 fax
[hidden email]
http://imaging.berkeley.eduRegister Now for AIM 2012: