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Dear Bioimaging colleagues,
Friday 20th of January (6pm CET time) is the last day to register to NEUBIAS2020, the new symposium organized by NEUBIAS (network of European Bioimage Analysts, funded by COST) to foster interaction between all players of the Bioimage analysis community.
Don't miss the full program online here:
http://eubias.org/NEUBIAS/neubias2020-conference/symposium2017-lisbon/symposium-lisbon-15-17-feb/programme/Don't miss the novel sessions targeted to connect analysts, developers and life scientists and foster collaborations in the field of Bioimage analysis:
"Open Source Software Software Lounge":
Software packages, tools, advanced plugins and suites: "hands-on" demos and updates by developers and specialists in digital poster format.
"Call for Help / Shout your problem / Image Analysis Clinics":
Symposium participants get the chance to submit and present a challenging analysis problem to the audience. A moderated plenary discussion aims to solve the problem and formalize the needed Bioimage analysis workflow.
Don't miss additional sessions including Sponsors talk/demos, panel discussions on Career path of Bioimage analysts in Life science, etc...
Looking forward to meeting you in Lisbon,
on behalf of all organizers,
NEUBIAS2020 team:
Sebastian Munck, Arne Seitz, Scientific organizers
Gaby Martins, Host & Local Organizer
Laure Plantard, Simon Noerelykke, Szymon Stoma, Call for Help organizers
Florian Levet, OSS Lounge organizer