Leica LSI HCS macroscope for sale

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Anna Gustavsson Anna Gustavsson
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Leica LSI HCS macroscope for sale

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We would like to sell our seven year old Leica LSI HCS macroscope, which is well suited to study insects, Zebrafish and larger samples. It is equipped with three objectives (2x/0.234 WD 39 mm, 5x/0.5 WD 19 mm macro objectives and a zoom function of 0.63 – 9.2x and a 63x/1.3 oil objective). The macroscope has brightfield with Rottermann tilted illumination and fluorescence filter cube sets for DAPI, CFP, GFP, and RFP. This confocal has laser excitation lines at 405, 488, 561 and 635 nm and a one channel spectral detector where up to 8 sequential scans can be made for multi-imaging applications. The software of this confocal can be used for either single image acquisition (LAS AF software) or for custom made automated high content screening (LAS AF MATRIX), where parameters as multicolor imaging, 3D imaging, tile scans, time lapse studies, multiposition scanning, sample tracking, colocalization studies can be performed and it also has autofocus function. In addition, there are holders for 12x12 cm agar plates, microscope slides, multiwell plates, or small round Petri dishes.

Anna Gustavsson
Umea Plant Science Centre (UPSC)
Department of Plant Physiology
Umeå University
Phone (office) +46 (0)90-786 7888 alt 070-38 38 884
E-mail: [hidden email]