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Dear All,
Due to a new acquisition we are selling our perfectly functional Leica SP1 confocal microscope (year 1999). The microscope comes with an inverted scope (DM IRBE) with a motorized X-Y stage and a Z-galvo. The software is the LCS Version 2.61. The laser is an air-cooled Ar-Kr with 476, 488, 568 and 647 lines. Couple of immersion objective and DIC prisms are also included. For further specs and other questions please feel free to contact me. Price-wise we are open for any suggestions, the best offer will win (obviously you need to take care of the transport).
Cheers Gabor
Light Microscopy Centre
ETH Zurich,
Schafmattstrasse 18
CH-8093, Zurich
Phone: +41 44 633 6221