Leica SP5 UV correction lenses

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S. Pagakis (IIBEAA) S. Pagakis (IIBEAA)
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Leica SP5 UV correction lenses

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would anyone have any of these UV correction optics from an old SP5
which they are willing to either sell or donate?
They are these tiny lenses sitting on the UV turret inside the scan head
which work in tandem with the objective lens to chromatically correct
the final image.
They are objective lens specific, but any type should do for us.

Thank you in advance

Stamatis Pagakis Ph.D.
Head, Biological Imaging
Biomedical Research Foundation, Academy of Athens
Soranou Efessiou 4, Athens 115 27 - Greece
M:     +306946644955
W:     +302106597481
FAX: +302106597545

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