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Leica SP5 argon ion laser (yet again)

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Aryeh Weiss Aryeh Weiss
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Leica SP5 argon ion laser (yet again)

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We are now convinced that our argon ion laser must be replaced.
It flickers and the power output has dropped quite a bit.

The local Leica rep will happily replace it for about
15,600 Euro + 8 hours labor...

Lasos informs us that this is a special order model for Leica, they
cannot sell it directly, and have no equivalent "non-oem" model.

So, my questions for the SP5 experts on the list.

1. Has anyone replaced the argon-ion laser with an equivalent "non-oem"

2. Has anyone had their laser rebuilt? If so by whom, and were the
results good? (Replies to me from the people who rebuild lasers are

3. Is anyone using a solid state laser in an SP5 to provide the 488nm
and 514nm lines? Cobolt makes such a combined laser (basically 2 lasers
set up in one box to put out coalligned 514nm and 488nm lines). It is
expensive, but given what Leica wants for the argon laser, it may be
worth considering.

Any input on this will be much appreciated.

Aryeh Weiss
Faculty of Engineering
Bar Ilan University
Ramat Gan 52900 Israel

Ph:  972-3-5317638
FAX: 972-3-7384051
Pascal Weber Pascal Weber
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Re: Leica SP5 argon ion laser (yet again)

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I just changed my argon laser by the original model (13 500 eur). I think the
problem you may encounter is the control of solid-state laser. The program may
display errors.
I think if you replace a diode with a diode no worries.
Markus Burkhardt Markus Burkhardt
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Re: Leica SP5 argon ion laser (yet again)

In reply to this post by Aryeh Weiss
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Dear Aryeh,

we have replaced our Ar-laser after 6300 hours of operation (after the
flickering started, we could still use it for a couple of months by reducing
the tube current setting to about 15% in the LASAF software). We replaced
the laser head and the power supply, as LASOS and Leica recommend. However,
you could think about only replacing the laser and by that save about 35% of
the costs. It's a bit risky as I have no idea whether an old power supply
can indeed damage a new laser. But if you find out how to check the proper
functioning of the power supply, this could be an option.

Best regards,

Aryeh Weiss Aryeh Weiss
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Re: Leica SP5 argon ion laser (yet again) -- solved

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Here is something SP5 (and maybe others) will want to know.
We finally figured out why our argon-ion laser was flickering.
Actually, it turned out to be an unstable electro-mechanical shutter in
front of the laser. They have this light leaf shutter which opened to
its "up" position, but then it has this slight random vibration that
partially interrupts the beam in a random way (not constant amplitude).

Anyway, Leica has identical shutters on the other lasers, so we swapped
the argon-ion shutter with the 594nm shutter (594 is used least, since
we have 561nm and 633nm lasers), So far, the 594 does not suffer the
same fate -- it is possible that the 594 beam goes through the aperture
a bit lower than the argon ion beam.

Does anyone know who actually makes this shutter? It only has a Leica
part number on it.

Also, if anyone has experienced "hysteresis" (ie, the fiber does not
follow the screw smoothly) in alignment of those 4-screw fiber aligners,
(double Arghh....), I am interested in becoming wiser about this.

Aryeh Weiss
Faculty of Engineering
Bar Ilan University
Ramat Gan 52900 Israel

Ph:  972-3-5317638
FAX: 972-3-7384051