Leica TCS SL Confocal available now!

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Erin-16 Erin-16
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Leica TCS SL Confocal available now!

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Hello all,
Apologies for the off-topic post.  We have a beautiful Leica TCS SL confocal
available now that's just been brought up to spec by our Leica technician.  It
has two fluorescence channels and three lasers.  A six-line AOTF includes 458
nm, 476 nm, 488 nm, 514 nm, 543 nm and 633 nm.  Comes with five
objectives and dual-monitor workstation.  We'd love to find it a new home and
will certainly try to work within your budget if at all possible.  Please contact
Erin for photos and more details!
Best regards,
Erin Curry
[hidden email]
(650) 324-2569