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I have resuscitated a Leica TCS SP2 confocal for physiology use. Aligned the lasers, and made it an upright unit on a DM-RE scope.
SP2s, like all Leica products are a little quirky
We are taking time-lapse z-series on it of live tissue. We did about 4 hours of imaging..but I cannot find any time information of when files were created.
It seems you save a whole bunch at the end of the imaging session.
1. Should we be using the xyzt format?
2. Save after about a 1000MB data?
3. Where is the time stamp of the files in the .lei or .tif files? How to deal with this?
Ethan Cohen, Ph.D.
FDA Center for Devices and Radiological Health
Office: Rm 1204 WO62
Lab: Rm 1241 WO62
White Oak Federal Res Ctr.
10903 New Hampshire Ave.
Silver Spring, MD 20993