Leica TCS SP2 Overlay

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Lloyd Donaldson Lloyd Donaldson
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Leica TCS SP2 Overlay

Search the CONFOCAL archive at http://listserv.acsu.buffalo.edu/cgi-bin/wa?S1=confocal


In LCS you can save the overlay by right clicking on it and selecting save as. It will be saved into your experiment folder as an rgb tiff.. I am not sure why Leica made it so difficult. The older TCS software is much easier. I have yet to see LAS AF but hopefully they have made it easier to save the way you want to. In TCS you display the overlay in the image box and select save as on the file menu.

Dr Lloyd Donaldson - Microscopist
Cellwall Biotechnology Centre
SCION - Next generation biomaterials
Te Papa Tipu Innovation Park, 49 Sala Street
Private Bag 3020, ROTORUA, New Zealand
DDI 64 7 343 5581
Fax 64 7 343 5507
email [hidden email]

Matthew Pearson wrote:
> Search the CONFOCAL archive at
> Hi Everyone,
> Does anyone know why in the Leica Confocal Software when you scan
> multiple fluorophores you select the 'Ovl' button to get an overlay
> image and then you would press the Single scan button to take an image.  
> Yet in the Experiment window where the files are saved the overlay image
> is not saved only the 3 images of each fluorophore (in a triple label).  
> I have to actually right click the overlay image  and then 'send to
> experiment, selection raw' in order for it to be saved.  does anyone
> know if there is a setting to allow the overlay image to be saved
> without having to save each one manually?  It just seems like a slightly
> tedious process.
> Many thanks,
> Matt Pearson.