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Leica vs Zeiss

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Sandrine Pouvreau Sandrine Pouvreau
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Leica vs Zeiss

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I would like to thank all the persons who answer to me, and so quickly. All your inputs are really of great help.
Just something that was not clear (well, not said) in my previous mail. My email is from Chicago, were I'm currently working, but the confocal is purchased by a lab in France (Lyon) that I will join in March. That's why I did not contact any company here in Chicago.
We effecively are considering Leica TCS SPE or Zeiss LSM 5 for budget reason (too limited for a TCS SP5 or Zeiss 510). We also have an offer for an Olympus fluoview 1000, but to fit our budget, the system they offer is rather limited (in terme of laser lines and detection filters), although with a lot of possibility of upgrades.
This is were I am today.
Thanks again

 Sandrine Pouvreau, Ph.D.
> > Postdoctoral Fellow
> > Department of Molecular Biophysics and Physiology
> > Rush University Medical Center
> > 1750 West Harrison Street
> > Room 1259 Jelke Bldg
> > Chicago, IL 60612-3824
> > Phone (312) 942-6494
> > FAX  (312) 942-8711