Light-Sheet Microscopy Workshop at the LMU Munich / 15-17th April 2020

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Miguel Miguel
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Light-Sheet Microscopy Workshop at the LMU Munich / 15-17th April 2020

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Dear colleagues,

We welcome you to join our Light-Sheet Microscopy workshop organized by
the Center of Advanced Light Sheet Microscopy (CALM) at the LMU
Biocenter in Munich. The workshop will take place on *Wednesday -
Friday, 15th - 17th of April* *2020* at the *Center for Molecular
Biosystems (BioSysM)*.

We are pleased to host the keynote speakers *Ernst H.K. Stelzer***and
*Ali Ertürk *as well as other excellent talks.

For further information and online registration refer to our website:

Registration of this workshop is free but please note that the number of
participants in the hands-on sessions is limited.

Looking forward to seeing you
Best greetings,
on behalf of all organizers,

Miguel Guirao


Miguel Guirao
PhD candidate

Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München - BioSysM
Humanbiology & Bioimaging - AG Leonhardt
Butenandtstraße 1
D-81377 München