Live Cell Probes

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Claire Brown Claire Brown
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Live Cell Probes

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I am giving a seminar next week on live cell imaging and I was wondering if anyone wants to share their favourite probes with me. I am well versed on the fluorescent and activatable proteins but I have less experience with other probes such as organelle markers and what people prefer. Feel free to contact me off list if you prefer.







Claire M. Brown, PhD

Life Sciences Complex Imaging Facility Director

McGill University Department of Biochemistry


Calvo-Bado, Leonides Calvo-Bado, Leonides
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Re: Live Cell Probes

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Hi Claire,
I was wodering if you have more information on fluorescent dyes for proteases activity and other enzymes on embedded tissue. I am doing FISH on skin tissue from feet from sheep to detect pathogens but these pathogens produce several enzymes. Any help or advice will be great!
Dr. Leo Calvo-Bado
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Environmental Microbiology Group
Department of Biological Sciences
The University of Warwick
Coventry CV4 7AL
United Kingdom
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From: Confocal Microscopy List on behalf of Claire Brown
Sent: Tue 01/04/2008 20:45
To: [hidden email]
Subject: Live Cell Probes

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I am giving a seminar next week on live cell imaging and I was wondering if anyone wants to share their favourite probes with me. I am well versed on the fluorescent and activatable proteins but I have less experience with other probes such as organelle markers and what people prefer. Feel free to contact me off list if you prefer.







Claire M. Brown, PhD

Life Sciences Complex Imaging Facility Director

McGill University Department of Biochemistry