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*Live cell imaging course Rotterdam The Netherlands Oct 31- Nov 4 2011*
Also this year the Erasmus Optical Imaging Centre will organize a live
cell imaging course. The course is taking a full week with lectures in
the morning and practicals in the afternoon.
The lectures will cover
introduction to live cell imaging, confocal microscopy and image analysis
new developments in fluorescent dyes
CLEM (correlative light EM microscopy)
CLEM (controlled light exposure)
label free imaging
single molecule imaging
FMT imaging
system biology
The practicals will cover
Introduction to confocal microscopy
Time lapse microscopy
FRET acceptor photo bleaching
Single molecule microscopy, GsDim, STORM
data analysis
data presentation and discussion
The cost will be euro 300,- for PhD students and 600,- for other
non-commercial participants.
Program can be found at www.erasmusmc.nl/oic-cs/InVivo2010/InVivo2011
http://www.erasmusmc.nl/oic-cs/InVivo2010/InVivo2011> registration
www.molmed.nl <
http://www.molmed.nl> In Vivo Imaging: From Molecule to
Information: Gert van Cappellen, w.vancappellen<at>erasmusmc.nl
The course is sponsored by the molmed and MGC PhD research schools,
Leica and Nikon