Looking for membrane-targeted blue or red fluorescent proteins

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Looking for membrane-targeted blue or red fluorescent proteins

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Dear all,

This is not a confocal-related question but I've seen several discussion
about fluorescent proteins, so I thought I'd ask anyway :

I'm looking for a mammalian expression plasmid of a blue (TagBFP/TagBFP2)
or red (TdTomato, TdTurboRFP, TagRFP) fluorescent protein with a
membrane-targeting motif (farnesylation CAAX or palmitoylation). Would you
happen to use such a construct and would you share it? I didn't find any on
Addgene although such proteins have been published (TagBFP2-CAAX in Subach
et al. PLoS ONE 2011 and TdTurboRFP-CAAX in Nay & Davidson Chem Soc Rev

Thanks a lot for your help,

Christophe Leterrier
Axonal Domains Architecture Team
Aix Marseille University, France