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Hello All, I am writing a VB macro on Zeiss Lsm 5 to facilitate our fibre locating and cross sectioning. I have several issues to ask for help. 1. With my macro, I have similar focusing up and down buttons as in the “stage and focus control’’ panel, when I move the focus up and down from my macro, the
focus shows up in the “stage and focus control”. The other way around, if I do focusing from the “stage and focus control’’ panel, how can my macro be informed about it? I thought of using a timer, but it is not available to the VB IDE with LSM 5.
2. When I do a scan, I backup the actual configuration of the LSM 5 and restore the configuration after the scan is finished. To stop a scan in the middle, I
have a stop button which will stop the scan and restore the actual configuration. However if I use the stop buttons of Lsm 5 to stop the scan initialized from my macro, it does restore the actual configuration.
3 I have seen some macros on the Zeiss website using some types and functions not with the LSM 5 default availability. For example the AimImage type. I understand
they are dlls. How are they added? As the VB IDE with LSM 5 is a simplified version. Thank you very much. FPinnovations - PAPRICAN
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