Lumencor Job Announcments - Hiring for Two Positions

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Erich E. Zeiss Erich E. Zeiss
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Lumencor Job Announcments - Hiring for Two Positions

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December 2013

Job Description
Senior Sales Director

Lumencor, Inc., based in Beaverton, Oregon, manufactures high performance
solid state lighting subsystems, "light engines," for bioanalytical
instruments, medical devices and life science research tools. Products are
sold worldwide to equipment manufacturers (OEMs), distributors, laboratories
and individual researchers. The company is seeking a Senior Sales Director
to complement and grow the company’s existing sales team.

The candidate will be responsible for managing a team of sales professionals
who in turn manage a diverse group of original equipment manufacturers
(OEMs), resellers and distributors, and individual researchers as customers.

The ideal candidate should have:
‣ Masters or Ph.D. in biology, chemistry, engineering or physics
‣ minimum of 6 years of senior management experience in sales for a
microscope or biotech company
‣ desire to problem solve and work independently within a small organization
‣ ability to generate process driven strategies to grow the company’s sales
‣ excellent written and oral communication skills
‣ good computer skills
‣ excellent organizations skills

The ideal candidate will enjoy a range of sales and engineering support
responsibilities including but not limited to:
‣ manage and support the company’s growing sales team
‣ grow the company’s sales channels within existing and into new territories
‣ provide metrics and analysis to govern the sales teams’ efforts with goal
oriented strategies and reports
‣ develop extensive direct sales channel for Lumencor
‣ participate fully in microscopy courses and biotech/optics trade shows to
support sales and marketing
‣ problem solve and work independently within a small organization, creating
processes to grow into midsize organization
‣ work well with existing management to move company through next level of
growth and possess the flexibility necessary to multi-task assignments in a
demanding, fast-paced technical environment.

The position requires at least 33% of time committed to travel in order to
support customer sales. Excellent references are essential; a demonstrated
record of success is preferred. A resumé, including salary history, along
with a letter of introduction may be sent to [hidden email].

December 2013
Job Description
Technical Support Specialist

Lumencor, Inc., based in Beaverton, Oregon, manufactures high performance
solid state lighting subsystems, "light engines," for bioanalytical
instruments, medical devices and life science research tools. Products are
sold worldwide to original equipment manufacturers (OEMs), distributors,
laboratories and individual researchers. The company is seeking a Technical
Support Specialist to complement and support the company’s existing sales team.

The candidate will be responsible for managing inquiries from established
customers as well as to support the development of new customers.

The ideal candidate should have:
‣ Bachelors and potentially additional education in math, chemistry,
engineering, physics or software
‣ 3 - 6 years of industrial experience, ideally in life science software,
hardware, optics or biotechnology
‣ a desire to problem solve and work independently within a small organization
‣ good written and oral communication skills
‣ good computer skills
‣ excellent organizations skills

The ideal candidate will enjoy a range of technical support responsibilities
for both internal and external customers, including but not limited to:

‣ field customer questions and technical inquiries regarding both software
and hardware issues
‣ support all light engine installation-related troubleshooting including
on-site customer visits as needed
‣ aid sales staff in the management of OEM and end-user equipment loans
‣ aid in the management of returns and warranty related customer requests
for service
‣ generate support documents for installation and implementation of Lumencor
‣ problem solve and work independently within a small organization

Excellent references are essential; a demonstrated record of success is
preferred. A resumé, including salary history, along with a letter of
introduction may be sent to [hidden email].