M&M 2010 in Portland OR

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Amanda M. Lawrence Amanda M. Lawrence
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M&M 2010 in Portland OR

Greetings all,
The Microscopy and Microanalysis meeting in Portland, OR is a little
more than 2 months away*..

To all students (or those of you who might have students) attending the
meeting, please consider the student bursary program offered by MSA.
The purpose of these bursaries is to encourage students to attend the
annual MSA/MAS Microscopy and Microanalysis meeting, where they can meet
and interact with the established microscopy community while defraying
some meeting costs.

The students work for 20 hours (or up to 40 hours) during the meeting
and pre-meeting events and are paid $10 an hour.  The jobs involve such
things as providing support in the different symposia (helping with
audio-visual needs, maintaining an attendance count, and helping
speakers set up for their presentation), staffing the MSA Megabooth or
volunteer office, monitoring use of the Internet Café, and helping with
vendor tutorials and poster set-up.

Once the task list has been finalized, each bursary will be contacted
and allowed to choose the times and activities they would like to work.
Many times they end up *working* sessions they would attend anyway.
There is an added bonus of a $10 cash meal allotment for each morning
and/or afternoon sessions worked.

If anyone would like to participate in the bursary program, please
check the *I wish to apply for a student bursary* box in section 2
of the registration form.  Bursary space is limited, so sign-up early.
Applicants for the bursaries must be members of MSA or MAS, and enrolled
as students at a recognized educational institution.  

For those *non-students* we could always use volunteers to help
with the above mentioned meeting activities as well.  Although not paid
on an hourly basis as the student bursaries, volunteers do receive some
compensation along with the same cash allotment for meals.   Plus they
also have the opportunity to interact more with the microscopy community
as they assist with meeting tasks.

If anyone has any questions about the bursary/volunteer program, or
would like to participate, please contact:

Amanda Lawrence
Electron Microscope Center
Mississippi State University
[hidden email]