MRC Studentships for 'Imaging in Biomedical Research'

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Roger Phillips Roger Phillips
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MRC Studentships for 'Imaging in Biomedical Research'

Dear Colleagues,
The University of Sussex MSc programme in 'Imaging in Biomedical Research'
has seven MRC-funded studentships on offer to UK students for study
beginning this Autumn.  The programme is designed for good graduates in
biological sciences who wish to acquire a strong grounding in imaging
including physical and mathematical approaches before starting a research
career. We have taken the liberty of addressing this specifically to the
Confocal Microscopy List as we hope that the programme will produce
graduates who many of you would find well-suited to starting a PhD in your
laboratory. We would be very grateful if you could forward this information
to your graduating class of students.

'Imaging in Biomedical Research' is a new interdisciplinary programme in the
Department of Biochemistry taught in collaboration with the University of
Sussex Departments of Physics and Astronomy and Informatics and with the
Brighton and Sussex Medical School Clinical Imaging Science Centre and the
Sussex Centre for Advanced Microscopy. The programme provides a strong
background for a career in research in the academic, clinical and industrial
sectors. The student is taught theory, applications and practice in a broad
range of imaging techniques including Electron Microscopy, Fluorescence
Microscopy, Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Computed Tomography.  Training in
mathematical computation and in digital imaging provides the basis for
understanding advanced processing and analyses and will include hands-on
experience with practical computing languages such as Matlab and ImageJ.
Students will benefit from access to both high content and high throughput
microscopy facilities which are essential tools of pharmacological research
and development.  Options in the Autumn and Spring terms allow each student
to specialise in different areas of biomedical imaging such as Molecular,
Neuro or Developmental Biology.  In the Summer term each student will plan
and execute a research project under joint supervision of a member of
faculty in one of the collaborating Departments and staff of one of the
imaging centres.

All UK (home student) applications received by 17 July 2009 will be
considered for funding and MRC Studentships will be awarded to the top
applicants. EU students are eligible for tuition but not for stipend on MRC
studentships.  See our prospectus
and the Centre for Advanced Microscopy website
for further information.

Many thanks and best wishes,

John Armstrong
Roger Phillips

University of Sussex

Dr Roger Guy Phillips
Centre for Advanced Microscopy,
University of Sussex
School of Life Sciences
John Maynard Smith Building
Falmer, Brighton & Hove
United Kingdom

phone:44 (0)1273 877585
fax: 44 (0)1273 678433
email: [hidden email]
room:2C9 (ext 7585)/lab 4C2 (ext 2734)