Machine Learning for Image Analysis

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Tobias Rasse Tobias Rasse
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Machine Learning for Image Analysis

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Dear BioImaging colleagues,


CORBEL, EMBL, German BioImaging and NEUBIAS are delighted to announce a
joint blended learning course on Machine Learning for Image Analysis.


The course will be a great mix of intensive learning, extensive hands-on and
community networking. Participants will review the fundamentals of machine
learning in three up-front webinars complemented by online tutorials. The
webinars will take place on 2nd, 9th and 16th October 2018, 12:00 - 14:00
CEST but a recorded alternative can be provided.


Next, they will apply their knowledge on-site (EMBL Heidelberg, 29-31st
October), in small interactive groups (the workshop has 16 available seats
and ~8 trainer/lecturer), to both reference datasets and their own data.


After the on-site workshop, two optional advanced training webinars,
complemented by online tutorials, will be given on 9th and 16th November
2018. These will focus on simulation of data, transfer learning and


Registration is open now. Deadline is June 15th, 2018.


Applicants should be familiar with Python and should bring their own data.
They will be selected based on their skills and letter of motivation.


NEUBIAS is providing up to four travel grants for eligible applicants.


After the course participants should be able to:

Explain the fundamentals of machine learning methods suitable for image

Consult others in strategies to obtain ground truth

Give advice in training and using a neural-network

Perform simple quality control on the results of one selected ML approach


More information about the course (program & trainers) and venue, are
available at the course website:




We kindly ask that you help us reach all potentially interested applicants.

Please post the attached flyer in your institute.

 <> (jpeg) (PDF)


Thanks a lot &

Kind regards


on behalf of the organisers (Anna Kreshuk, Vera Matser & Tobias Rasse)




CORBEL (Coordinated Research Infrastructures Building Enduring Life-science
Services) is an EU-funded initiative of thirteen new biological and medical
research infrastructures (BMS RIs), which together create a platform for
harmonised user access to biological and medical technologies, biological
samples and data services required by cutting-edge biomedical research. It
is CORBEL’s aim to boosts the efficiency, productivity and impact of
European biomedical research.

…more at <>


EMBL (European Molecular Biology Laboratory), founded in 1974, EMBL is
Europe’s flagship laboratory for the life sciences – an intergovernmental
organisation with more than 80 independent research groups covering the
spectrum of molecular biology. It operates across six sites: Heidelberg,
Barcelona, Hamburg, Grenoble, Rome and EMBL-EBI Hinxton.

…more at <>


German BioImaging (German BioImaging-Gesellschaft für Mikroskopie und
Bildanalyse e.V). represents the interests of researchers and professionals
as well as core facilities in Germany involved in microscopy and image data
analysis for the life sciences. It fosters interaction and exchange of
information within the community, between scientists and engineers, among
academia and industry, and represents the interests of its members at
funding bodies….

…more at <>


NEUBIAS (COST Action CA15124) is an European network of >220 members and 41
countries, which aims to promote the communication between Life Scientists,
Instrumentalists, Developers and BioImage Analysts and to establish and
promote the role of Bioimage Analysts in Life Science.

... more at <>


Tobias M. Rasse, PhD
Senior Technical Officer
Advanced Light Microscopy Facility &
Imaging Infrastructure Strategy Development Team
EMBL Heidelberg, Meyerhofstr.1, 69117 Heidelberg, Germany
Room: 13-504
phone: +49(0)6221 387-8308
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