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Sent on Behalf of Dr Toni S Shippenberg, Ph.D.
Toni S Shippenberg, Ph.D.
Integrative Neuroscience Branch, NIDA IRP
If you are interested in this position, please write to:
[hidden email]
Manager: Multiphoton & Stereology Core Facility
NIH/NIDA Intramural Research Program
Position Description: The Integrative Neuroscience Branch (Chief, T.S.
Shippenberg), NIH/National Institute on Drug Abuse, Intramural Research
Program (Baltimore, Maryland, USA) is seeking an individual with experience in
multiphoton (MP) microscopy and stereology. The candidate will manage the
NIDA IRP microscopy core facility which is equipped with a Zeiss LSM 710 2-
photon upright microscope, and an inverted microscope with MicroBrightField
software and the Zeiss Apotome system for stereology. Responsibilities
include providing technical advise to investigators using the facility; training
new users, assisting in the design and conduct of experiments, scheduling
facility use and upkeep of the system. Experience with slice preparations,
electrophysioloy and in-vivo imaging is advantageous. The individual should
have an interest in the neurobiology of addiction and will play an instrumental
role in establishing intra-vital imaging and multiphoton technology at the
The position is initially funded for 2 years (with potential for renewal and FTE
conversion). Depending on qualifications of the applicant the position can be
offered at the post-doctoral, staff-scientist or technical level.
The positions is available as of Feb 1, 2011.
Please contact:
Toni S Shippenberg, Ph.D.
Integrative Neuroscience Branch, NIDA IRP
[hidden email]