March 2008 Microscopy Today Table of Contents

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Ron Anderson-4 Ron Anderson-4
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March 2008 Microscopy Today Table of Contents

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Here is the March 2008 Microscopy Today table of contents. I will
close the subscription list for this issue on Friday, February 28, 2008.

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Thank you,
Ron Anderson, Editor
Microscopy used to Show how Spiders Hide!
Stephen W. Carmichael, Mayo Clinic

Improving EDS For Low Energy X-Rays Under 1000eV Using an Attachable
Detector Optic
David O’Hara, Greg Brown, Eric Lochner, Parallax Research, Inc.,
Tallahassee, FL

Unique Minilens Cooling System Results in a Compact TEM
Dmitry Lysenkov[1], and William C. Monigle,[2]Carl Zeiss SMT AG, Nano
Technology Systems Division,[1]Oberkochen, Germany, and [2]Peabody, MA

Simplification and Variation in TEM Focus Techniques
Steve Chapman, Protrain, Buckingham, England

Extending Depth of Field in LC-SEM Scenes by Partitioning Sharpness
H. Hariharan*, A. Koschan*, B. Abidi*, D. Page*, M. Abidi*, J.
Frafjord** and S. Dekanich**, *IRIS Laboratory, University of Tennessee,
Knoxville, TN, **Y12 National Security Complex, Oak Ridge, TN

Nanoparticle Measurement Through Visualisation
Bob Carr and Andrew Malloy, NanoSight, Ltd. Wiltshire, U.K.

Microscopy and Microanalysis of Corona Textures in Eclogitic
Greenschists from the Eastern Alps, Austria
Robert Sturm. Salzburg, Austria

Wide Field and Deep Focus imaging in Photomicrography Optical and
Software-Based Techniques
Jörg Piper, Clinic Meduna, Bad Bertrich, Germany

A Simple Method for Imaging DNA using SEM
N. Chatterjee, K. Andresen, M. Thomas, L. Pollack, E. Kirkland, Cornell
University, Ithaca NY

Passive Mirror Imaging through a Solid-State Back-Scattered Electron
Fabrizio Croccolo and Claudia Riccardi, Dipartimento di Fisica “G.
Occhialini” and PLASMAPROMETEO, Università degli Studi di Milano - Bicocca

Modified Cryo-Preparation for Studying Salt Glands in the Turf Grass
Zoysia matrella
Sheetal Rao, Michael W. Pendleton, Marla L. Binzel and E. Ann Ellis,
Texas A&M University, College Station, TX

Electron Microscopy Vacuum Pump Basics
Howard Tring, Vacuum and Low pressure Consulting, Spring City, PA

MSA Tutorials Videos
Greg Erdos, Micanopy, Florida

Industry News

SPECIMEN PREPARATION - embedding pine needles
SPECIMEN PREPARATION – softening hard tissues
SPECIMEN PREPATION - SEM of wires encased in polyurethane
SPECIMEN PREPARATION - etchants for 6xxx aluminum
SAMPLE PREPARATION - Ni in double-sticky carbon dots
MICROTOMY - problems cutting serial thick sections
MICROTOMY – sectioning seeds
MICROTOMY – multilayer film
MICROTOMY - polymer films and hard particles
LM – arc lamps and electromagnetic fields
INSTRUMENTATION – plasma cleaners
INSTRUMENTATION - sputter coater maintenance
INSTRUMENTATION – large capacity water tap filters
INSTRUMENTATION - chiller pump and lifting power
INSTRUMENTATION – ion getter pump longevity
LM - infinity corrected objectives
EELS - carbon contamination
Project MICRO: New Sandbox Contact

Dear Abbe

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