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Search the CONFOCAL archive at
http://listserv.acsu.buffalo.edu/cgi-bin/wa?S1=confocal Listers, Here is the May 2008 Microscopy Today table of contents. I will close the subscription list for this issue on Friday May 9, 2008. Microscopists in North America and MSA members anywhere qualify for free subscriptions. Anyone else may subscribe for US$60 per year (to PARTIALLY cover postage). All subscriptions at http://www.microscopy-today.com . Thank you, Ron Anderson, Editor ========================= Looking at Proteins Interacting and Folding inside Cells Stephen W. Carmichael, Mayo Clinic Life In and Under the Antarctic Ice Sheets Shawn Doyle, Pierre Amato and Brent Christner Louisiana State University Identifying Foreign Material Contamination in Food and Food Ingredients V. L. St. Jeor, A. Lape, A. R. Muroski, C. McGuire, J.S. Kruger, and D. L. Elmore, Cargill Incorporated, Excelsior, MN Development of TV-rate CCD Cameras for in-situ Electron Microscopy Lancy Tsung, Bill Mollon, Ming Pan, Yan Jia, Paul Mooney, and Chengye Mao, Gatan, Inc. Pleasanton, CA Signature Analysis Applied to EDS Microanalysis J.W. Colby & D. C. Ward, xk, Incorporated, Clackamas, OR Automated Image Acquisition of Polymer Blend Morphology in an SEM C. S. Todd1, J. Blackson1, G. Bar2, E. Garcia-Meitin3, D. Reuschle3 M. Janus4, M. Darus5 and A. Nickles5 , Dow Chemical, 1Midland, MI, 2Schkopau, Germany, 3Freeport, TX. FEI Company, 4Eindhoven, Netherlands, 5Hillsboro, OR Surface Preparation of Uranium by Ion Milling Donald A. Carpenter and Robert L. Bridges, Y-12 National Security Complex, Oak Ridge, TN Using Iodine Vapour Staining to Visualize Starch Distribution in a Dry, Extruded Food Jacquie Bond1 and Allan K Hardacre2 ,1 Scion Research Ltd, Rotorua, 2 New Zealand Institute for Crop & Food Research Ltd, Palmerston North, New Zealand A Method to Characterize and Correct Elliptical Distortion in Electron Diffraction Patterns Vincent D.-H. Hou and Du Li, Micron Technology, Inc., Boise, ID Insect Epicuticular Grease Visualised by Scanning Probe Microscopy Stanislav Gorb, Dagmar Voigt, Henrik Peisker, Max-Planck Institute for Metals Research, Stuttgart, Germany Functional Collaborative Remote Microscopy: Inter-Continental Atomic Resolution Imaging J .M. Perkins,* D. A. Blom,*** D. W. McComb,* and L. F. Allard**, *Imperial College London, UK, ** Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN, ***University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC Why is it Difficult to Simulate EBSD Patterns Accurately? Alwyn Eades and Andrew Deal, Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA Quick Sample Preparation and EFTEM Elemental Characterization of FAB Based Defects C.T. Schamp, B.T. Valdez, J. Gazda, Cerium Labs, Austin, TX Industry News NetNotes SPECIMEN PREPARATION – coloring Epon SPECIMEN PREPARATION – heat fixation of bacteria SPECIMEN PREPARATION – SEM of smooth muscle SPECIMEN PREPARATION – fungi for SEM SPECIMEN PREPARATION - cross section polishing for SEM SPECIMEN PREPARATION - Labeling SiO2 particles SPECIMEN PREPARATION – quantum dots for EM SPECIMEN PREPARATION - immunogold staining of DNA and chitosan MICROTOMY - picking up cryosections IMMUNOCYTOCHEMISTRY – permeabilization IMMUNOCYTOCHEMISTRY - colloidal gold IMAGE PROCESSING – false color images LOW IMAGE ANALYSIS - LOW TEM camera problems FESEM - exploding ceramics ESEM – filament degradation Scanning He-ion microscope EDS - accuracy of thin film measurements EDS - analysis on thin contaminant layer EDS - effect of beam alignment on results MEDIUM SILICON DRIFT DETECTORS - element mapping INSTRUMENTATION – diffusion pump Dear Abbe Advertiser's Index |
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