Meeting announcement: 2017 Quantitative bioimaging conference

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Sripad Ram-2 Sripad Ram-2
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Meeting announcement: 2017 Quantitative bioimaging conference

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Dear colleague,

After a successful meeting at Delft, The Netherlands in 2016, we are
pleased to announce that the 5th international quantitative bioimaging
conference will be held on Jan 5- 7, 2017 at Texas A&M University, College
Station, TX.

The upcoming conference will continue to focus on the quantitative analysis
of bioimaging data in an interdisciplinary manner. The meeting will cover a
diverse range of topics including (but not limited to) 3D subcellular &
single molecule tracking, nuclear pore complexes, superresolution
microscopy and microscopy software development

We will also be hosting a special session on digital microscopy and image
informatics applications in biopharma that will focus on the recent,
explosive growth of digital image analysis applications in the preclinical
and clinical space. The session will cover topics ranging from multiplexing
technologies, high throughput live-cell imaging, predictive modeling and
advanced image analysis.

Abstract submission will open shortly. The early and regular abstract
submission deadlines are July 15 and September 15. The early deadline is
intended for those who need early feedback on abstract acceptance to make
travel arrangements.

You can sign up at to
receive email updates of announcements.

We look forward to seeing you in College Station in January.


The organizers of QBI2017