Meeting announcement - Quantitative BioImaging Conference 2014

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Sripad Ram Sripad Ram
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Meeting announcement - Quantitative BioImaging Conference 2014

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Dear Colleague,
We would like to invite you to participate in the Quantitative Bioimaging
Conference focused on Single Molecule Microscopy, which is to be held from
January 9-11, 2014, at the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque, USA.

This will be the second conference in this series with focus on the
quantitative analysis of bioimaging data in an interdisciplinary manner. It
will bring together researchers from engineering, (bio)physics, biology and
chemistry who work on quantitative aspects of microscopy. While the first
conference had an emphasis on single molecule microscopy, for the second
conference, we also welcome contributions from other areas of microscopy.

We are planning extensive overview lectures on a number of important areas
and hope to be dealing with these topics in a more substantial way than what
can be done typically. A major goal of the organization of the conference is
to allow for significant interactions amongst the participants.

The website for the conference is:

Abstract submission: We seek contributions in any area of quantitative
microscopy. Presentations that demonstrate in detail new approaches are
particularly welcome, including but not limited to algorithmic and software
developments, physical modeling approaches etc. The application of
quantitative techniques in biological applications is also of great
interest. For submission details please see the conference website.

- 15 August 2013: Early submission deadline. This deadline is designed for
those who need early feedback on acceptance to make arrangements. Acceptance
notifications are aimed to be mailed before 1 September 2013.
- 15 October 2013: Regular submission deadline.

Subscription to email updates: Those interested can subscribe to the email
update list at .

Registration: We are aiming to have no registration fee (as last year).

Accommodation: Very affordable accommodation is available in Albuquerque.
For more details see the conference website.

Other points of interest: Albuquerque is located in a fascinating area in
the southwest and is very close to great skiing locations.

Looking forward to seeing you in New Mexico next January.

Best regards,

Keith Lidke
Bernd Rieger
Raimund Ober
Sripad Ram