Micro Vessel Density

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Engstrom, Lars Engstrom, Lars
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Micro Vessel Density

Search the CONFOCAL archive at http://listserv.acsu.buffalo.edu/cgi-bin/wa?S1=confocal Micro Vessel Density

Hello all -

I am being lazy and posting instead of researching the topic of my question.

I am interested in methodologies in Micro Vessel Density (endothelial cell density) to determine anti-angiogenesis activity. I am imaging 20 micron frozen tumor sections with anti-cd31. My hope is to semi-automate the acquisition and analysis to increase throughput and decrease individual scoring biases.

I'm interested in hearing about anyone's individual experiences and current best practices. Is % area/field an appropriate measurement? Would avg length be appropriate? How should the number of necessary images be determined?

Thank you for your time.
