Microscopy Course

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Claire Brown Claire Brown
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Microscopy Course

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We still have a few spots left for the automate, live cell and high content imaging course next week.
Registration will close on Wednesday July 20th so sign up now if you are interested.
Discover the latest imaging technologies

"From Apoptosis to Zebrafish - Automated, Live Cell & High Content Imaging"

Tuesday July 26 to Thursday July 28, 2011
Lectures - 9:00 to 12:30, Hands-on Labs 13:30-18:30
McGill University, Stewart Biology Building, RmN2/2

This is a three day course and workshop aiming to give an introduction to high content automated imaging and a sampling of a vast array of cellular assays that can be conducted on such an imaging platform. Applications include quantitative fluorescence microscopy, fluorescence probes, autophagy, mitotic index, toxicity, cell migration, invasion, cell cycle and translocation.

Open to everyone.

Lecture, hands-on labs:      $600
Lectures only:                         $250
(Prices include coffee break, buffet lunches and opening reception)

For additional information and to register go to: http://mcgillatozimaging.eventbrite.com/
E-mail:  [hidden email]<mailto:[hidden email]>