Microscopy Interns Available! (SF Bay area)

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Gisele Giorgi Gisele Giorgi
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Microscopy Interns Available! (SF Bay area)

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Hello.  The students from the fourth cohort of the Merritt Microscopy Program have finished their year of training in the theory and practice of optical microscopy.  If you are in the Bay Area, come join us at the graduation:  it's a fun party and a good networking opportunity!   It's being held Friday February 3rd, 5:30-9:30 pm, R bldg Newton/Seale Lounge, Merritt College.   Drop in at any point- we'll eat, network, share images and stories and generally celebrate.  

Several of the graduates are interested in careers in research and would love to do an internship in a local lab.  (They've already done their first internship at a field research station in Costa Rica.)  They are intelligent, hard-working, "lab-ready," and enthusiastic.  They know basic lab techniques, GLP, troubleshooting, and are talented microscopists.  They are used to juggling projects with overlapping deadlines, can do lit searches, take good notes, know when to ask for help and when to be independant, and have worked both in teams and on solo projects. They've worked on nine different imaging systems, including a spectral imaging confocal and a SD confocal and have done a lot of image processing and data analysis.  Do you have a project that could use an extra pair of hands? Are you interested in supporting the upcoming generation of microscopists? If so, please contact me!

Also, several of them are on the job market!  Some are looking for lab tech and/or imaging core positions, others for sales or sales support positions.  They may be willing to relocate. If you hear about any openings, please let me know and I'll pass them along to the graduates.  

Gisele Giorgi
Director, Merritt Microscopy Program
[hidden email]

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