Microscopy Positions at the Queensland Brain Institute, University of Queensland

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Luke Hammond Luke Hammond
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Microscopy Positions at the Queensland Brain Institute, University of Queensland

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Hi All,

We are searching for an experienced microscopist to recruit to the
Queensland Brain Institute (QBI) microscopy facility. QBI is a leading
neuroscience research institute based at the University of Queensland,
Australia. Many interesting imaging projects, great resources and support
infrastructure. I’ve included a brief summary on the facility below and more
information is available via our website.

Links to the senior microscopy officer (full-time) and microscopy officer
(part-time) job postings are below. Apply before 5th of July.



Kind regards,


About the QBI Microscopy Facility
The QBI Microscopy Facility consists of over 20 advanced instruments
including automated imaging systems for bright field and fluorescence, slide
scanners, confocal microscopy, spinning disk confocal microscopy, TIRF, FLIM
and super-resolution imaging (including SIM and PALM/STORM systems). We have
dedicated high-end workstations for image analysis including Imaris, Zen and
Neurolucida 360 along with a remote server for Huygens deconvolution with
1TB RAM for large datasets. Data storage is managed by a custom engineered
elastic-compute cloud-based instance of OMERO (Open Microscopy Environment)
with petabytes of next generation storage and gigabytes of IO per second,
which is being actively improved to assist our users with remote
visualization and custom analysis tools.

For more information see the QBI Microscopy Website:

Luke Hammond
Microscopy Facility Manager, Queensland Brain Institute
Web: web.qbi.uq.edu.au/microscopy/

Queensland Brain Institute
The University of Queensland
QBI Building 79, Room 401
St Lucia, QLD 4072, Australia
CRICOS Provider Number: 00025B