Microscopy Specialist position at Duke University

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Sam Johnson Sam Johnson
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Microscopy Specialist position at Duke University

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Dear Confocal community,

We have a job opening in the microscopy facility at Duke University, Durham

Please see the information pasted below, which is also available here

Best regards


Position available: Microscopy Specialist

A full-time position is available for a Microscopy Specialist in the Light
Microscopy Core Facility at Duke University
<http://microscopy.duke.edu/> (Durham,
NC). The job involves training and working with users of the facility with
a broad range of imaging systems to enable the completion of imaging
experiments to a high standard. The position is diverse and interesting and
would suit a candidate eager to enhance and expand their existing
microscopy skills. The successful applicant will likely have a PhD
involving biological imaging, but candidates with BS/MS degrees and
substantial experience and skills will also be considered.

The facility

The LMCF provides access to confocals/microscopes and image analysis
resources for the entire Duke University and Medical Center campus. The
facility contains a wide range of imaging equipment - Six Zeiss and Leica
confocals, multiphoton, spinning disk, TIRF, DeltaVision, several live cell
and standard widefield fluorescent scopes driven by MetaMorph, VivaView
incubator microscope and multiple image analysis workstations (Imaris,
MetaMorph, Volocity, Huygens deconvolution) - the details of which can be
found on this website <http://microscopy.duke.edu/>. The facility is used
by over 250 labs and receives strong institutional financial support.

The facility has multiple locations in the research campus at
all within a 5 min walk of each other. The position will be based mainly in
the Nanaline Duke building but will involve working with some systems in
the adjacent locations.

Responsibilities will include:

   - Training users on the various microscopes in the facility
   - Collaboration with users on certain projects
   - Advising on experimental design and sample preparation
   - Trouble-shooting imaging problems
   - Maintenance of imaging and computer hardware

You will report to the Director of the facility and work in parallel with
another microscopy specialist.


Candidates must have substantial imaging experience and good knowledge of
microscopy. It is an advantage to have used the types of systems and
software in LMCF but not essential as training can be provided. Candidates
who also offer skills in any areas of image analysis, FCS/RICS, laser
capture microdissection, TCSPC FLIM, single molecule imaging or intravital
imaging will be at an advantage.

   - Bachelors degree, masters degree or PhD in a scientific discipline
   - Extensive research and microscopy experience
   - Strong computer skills
   - Excellent communication skills and the ability to deal with people

Salary will be dependent on qualifications and experience.

More information and applications

Further details of the facility can be viewed at the other pages on this
website. Questions can be addressed to [hidden email].

Applications should consist of a CV, cover letter explaining your interest
in the position and the capabilities you would bring, and the names and
contact details of three references and be emailed as a single document
(pdf preferred) to [hidden email]. Review of applications will begin
immediately and continue until the position is filled. The anticipated
start date is January 2012, with some flexibility.

Sam Johnson, PhD
Director, Light Microscopy Core Facility
Duke University and Duke University Medical Center
4215 French Family Science Center, Science Drive
Box 90338
Durham, NC 27708

[hidden email]
Tel. (919) 613-8216
Fax. (919) 613-8177