Microscopy Technician Position - Entry Level

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Holly L. AARON Holly L. AARON
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Microscopy Technician Position - Entry Level

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Dear All - I would like to announce I am hiring a full-time entry-level
technician.  More information is below.  Please apply via the website as we
can only consider applicants through the site.

Thank you,

The Molecular Imaging Center of the Cancer Research Laboratory at the
University of California Berkeley is hiring a full-time Staff Research
Associate, Level  I.  This is an entry level position.  The Molecular
Imaging Center is a core light microscopy facility on the UC Berkeley
campus, serving approximately 70 different research groups on campus,
including a small number of researchers at the national laboratory, UCSF,
and local biotechnology companies.  The Molecular Imaging Center provides
access to high-end fluorescent microscopy systems, including seven confocal
microscopes, two or more multi-photon instruments, a fluorescent lifetime
imaging system, and offline analysis stations.  The SRA will assist in basic
maintenance of the instruments, trouble-shooting and assisting researchers
with imaging, along with various organizational activities.

Primary responsibilities include:  cleaning, calibrating, and caring for
high-end light microscopes. The SRA will need to keep accurate records and
be able to test and trouble-shoot on their own, after training. They will be
trained on the use and maintenance of the equipment. They will be available
to assist users on a regular basis. The SRA will interact with service
personnel when needed to get instruments repaired. The SRA will backup and
archive data, assist users with data transfer, and as appropriate, data
analysis under the guidance of the MIC manager. When appropriate, the SRA
will acquire data for researchers, under the direction of the manager and
researcher. The SRA will need to keep detailed, accurate records on data

Additional responsibilities include maintaining records for recharge,
assisting in organizing an international conference, trouble-shooting,
possible website maintenance, and other tasks as necessary to keep the
facility running smoothly. The SRA will assist the manager in additional
tasks, such as moving sensitive equipment, or organizing presentations.
Since this is an active, growing, and changing environment, duties will vary
and progress over time.

This position requires a B.S. degree in biological or physical sciences.

For additional information and to apply, please visit the Berkeley Jobs
site: http://jobs.berkeley.edu/ , Job # 12854.  All applications must be
submitted via the website.

The University of California, Berkeley is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative
Action Employer.

Holly L. Aaron
Molecular Imaging Center
Cancer Research Laboratory
University of California Berkeley
251 LSA #2751
Berkeley, CA  94720-2751
510.642.5741 fax
[hidden email]