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Research Specialist in Light Microscopy
Light Microscope Facility, HHMI Janelia Farm Research Campus
Ashburn, VA
Duties: Principle assistant in microscope core facility at Janelia Farm. Assist
and instruct scientists and staff on using microscope systems; acquire and
process images; maintain, trouble-shoot microscopes and software; help plan
and assist in 2-week microscopy course for microscope users. Reports to
facility manager.
Equipment and Applications: Zeiss confocal microscopes; Olympus and Zeiss
widefield systems; Zen, Slidebook, Volocity, Fiji software. Principle
applications are confocal imaging of histology sections, high throughput
fluorescence scanning, including tiling and montage imaging; live cell
fluorescence imaging.
Experience required: two years experience in light microscope imaging;
confocal microscope experience required.
Application: Cover letter, resume, names of 3 references, statement of salary
requirements. Please include the job number (093095-001) and title
(Research SpecialistLight Microscopy) in the subject line.
Contact: Lorraine Ross, Sr. HR Generalist, 19700 Helix Dr., Ashburn, Va
[hidden email]