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http://listserv.acsu.buffalo.edu/cgi-bin/wa?S1=confocal Listers, Here is the September 2007 Microscopy Today table of contents. I will close the subscription list for this issue on Thursday September 13th, 2007. Microscopists in North America and MSA members anywhere qualify for free subscriptions. Anyone else may subscribe for US$50 per year (to PARTIALLY cover postage). All subscriptions at http://www.microscopy-today.com . Subscription rate for non-qualified readers will go to US$60 in 2008. Thank you. Ron Anderson, Editor ================================ Directing Traffic in Lymph Nodes Stephen W. Carmichael and Ellen D. Remstein, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN Multi-Length Scale Characterization of the Gibeon Meteorite using Electron Backscatter Diffraction Matthew M. Nowell and John O. Carpenter, EDAX-TSL, Draper UT SEM Provides Critical Process Information in Pharmaceutical Applications Ben Lich, FEI Company, Hillsboro, OR Optimal Noise Filters in High-Resolution Electron Microscopy K. Ishizuka, P. H. C. Eilers* and T. Kogure**, HREM Research Inc., Higashimatsuyama, Japan, *Utrecht University, Utrecht, The Netherlands, **University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan Quantification of Contaminant Removal by Evactron Cleaning Using Quartz Crystal Thickness Monitors Christopher G. Morgan, Mark M. Gleason and Ronald Vane, XEI Scientific, Inc., Redwood City, CA Reconstructing What Was: Software Applied to Serial Section TEM Marcia D. Feinberg and John C. Fiala, Boston University, Boston MA Overcoming Challenges in Material Science Testing with the use of Large Specimen SEM Analysis Adriana Romero, VisiTec of America LLC, Knoxville, TN Microscopic analysis of magmatic crystals – Part 2: A SEM study of the stability of accessory zircon under increasing metamorphic conditions Robert Sturm, Department of Materials Engineering and Physics, University of Salzburg/Austria Specimen Preparation for SEM examination of Thin Polymer Films Gan Phay Fang, Science & Technology Innovative Centre, Ansell Shah Alam Sdn Bhd, Selangor, Malaysia Applications of Focused Ion Beam (FIB) on Yeast Cell & SARS Virus H. L. Hing1, C. Burkhardt2, P. Gnauck2, S. Sally3, H. Gelderbloms4, Y. Muranaka5, M.A. Kaswandi1, A.H. A. Aziz1 & A.Z. Sahalan1. 1National University of Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, 2(NMI), Reutlingen, Germany, 3National University, Canberra, Australia, 4Robert Koch Institut, Berlin, Germany, 5 Hamamatsu University School of Medicine, Hamamatsu, Japan Advanced Metallographic Techniques Applied to Diesel Particulate Filters Natalio Saenz, Heather Dillon, Shelley Carlson, & Gary Maupin, Battelle PNNL, Richland, WA New Approaches to Managing, Marketing, and Money for Maintaining a Core Facility (4Ms) Part 3: Marketing and Managing a Research Core/Facility Pankaj Sharma, Purdue University The Beginnings of the Southeastern Microscopy Society W. Gray (Jay) Jerome, SEMS Historian Industry News NetNotes SPECIMEN PREPARATION - colloidal gold conjugation of proteins SPECIMEN PREPARATION – paraffin dewaxing SPECIMEN PREPARTION – measuring resin components SPECIMEN PREPARATION – fixation of low pH extremophiles SPECIMEN PREPARATION – UV polymerization SPECIMEN PREPARATION - SEM glue without carbon TEM – calibration TEM - 120 Kev vs 200 Kev instruments TEM – cause of specimen damage TEM & SEM terminology - kV or keV? ELECTRON MICROPROBE - carbon coater SEM/EDX - thin film thickness measurement** Advertiser's Index |
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