Microwave-assisted Sample Processing Workshop Announcement

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Mark A. Sanders Mark A. Sanders
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Microwave-assisted Sample Processing Workshop Announcement

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                                                                                Microwave-assisted Sample Processing Workshop

                                                                                                            April 25-27, 2012

                                                                                                        University of Minnesota

The University of Minnesota University Imaging Centers is pleased to announce the 14th annual workshop on microwave-assissted sample processing. The hands-on workshop will target beginning through advanced users of sample preparation methods for microscopy and will provide lectures from experts in the field of microwave sample preparation for live and fixed cell and tissue imaging. Lecture material will provide information on the basic components of a microwave processing systems, the basics of live cell incubations using fluorescent probes, biological specimen preparation for light, electron and super-resolution microscopy, strategies and protocols for antibody labeling, and an overview of advanced applications, inlcuding the following: in-situ hybridization and decalcification.
Participants are welcome to bring and process their own samples or to use samples that will be provided. Multiple systems (3) will be available for use so participants will have ample time for hands on use of the instruments during the workshop.
A workshop focusing on new techniques in microwave specimen processing for light and electron microscopy.
In vivo labeling

Principles of microwave fixation for biological materials

Principles of immunolocalization for:
Fluorescence microscopy
Super-resolution optical microscopy
Electron microscopy

As part of the Workshop we will be using our state-of-the-art wide field and confocal microscope systems. We will also have the latest Nikon N-Storm scope as part of the workshop
Info and Registration can be found here: http://uic.umn.edu/content/2012-microwave-processing-workshop-0

Registration of $650.00* includes:
Continental breakfasts and lunches for three days and dinner for one night during the workshop
Supplies (buffers, primary and secondary antibodies for a cytoskeletal protein, phalloidin, DAPI) to process provided   specimens
Those wishing to process their own specimens for the workshop should provide the primary and secondary antibodies of their choice or contact Mark Sanders for further information on supplies that can or will be available.

* - Tuition for participants from colleges and universities is $395.00. The remainder will be covered through the Imaging Center program. The previous workshops have been overbooked so slots in the workshop will not be guaranteed until arrangements have been made for payment of the tuition.

Mark A. Sanders      University of Minnesota
Program Director      Twin Cities Campus
University Imaging Centers      
St. Paul office ph:  612-624-3454
Mpls office ph:  612-626-3645
fax: 612-624-1799