Title Live Cell Imaging 2009 (LCI’09)
When Sunday November 29th
– Friday December 4th
Where Monash
Micro Imaging, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia
Tuition $1000AUD +GST (10%)
Students 24 positions available
Topics to be
covered include
Confocal principles and hardware, Digital imaging and image analysis,
Optimising imaging modalities, Fluorescence techniques, eg FRET, FLIM,
Multiphoton microscopy, and Ratio (eg.Ion) Imaging. The course will
include twelve
hours of lectures and twenty-two hours of set practicals. Please see http://microimaging.monash.org/lci09program.html
for the proposed program.
LCI’09 is an associated
workshop of the
Light in Life Sciences conference, http://www.physics.mq.edu.au/research/fluoronet/LILS09/
and will include a joint bio-imaging session with OzViz, a workshop for
visualisation of 3D structure.
We will provide a range of
cell markers and novel fluorescent protein tags that will be used
during the
course on cell lines.
To ensure all aspects of
imaging are
covered we will be holding evening image processing labs using the data
generated by the afternoon practicals. We recommend that students get
accommodation locally to allow and ensure full participation in these
Groups will be assigned a
mentor to
assist them with the science of live cell microscopy and
representatives of the
microscope companies will be assisting with operation of systems and
questions regarding instrumentation. Groups are expected to present
results on Friday afternoon.
Mentors will include
Guy Cox, EMU Sydney University
J. Paul Robinson, PUCL Purdue University
Rob Bryson-Richardson, ARMI Monash
Sarah Ellis, Peter MacCallum
Steve Cody, MMI AMREP Monash
Stephen Firth, MMI Monash University
Participant samples are
welcome, but
please liaise with the laboratory manager to organise import to the
facility as
soon as possible.
Limited student bursaries
are available
for those attending both Light In Life Sciences (LILS) conference and
Please see the
Monash Micro
Imaging website for equipment lists, updates and accommodation. http://microimaging.monash.org/lci09.html