Montreal Light Microscopy Course- Fundamentals and Frontiers - July 9-20 - 2012

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Claire Brown Claire Brown
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Montreal Light Microscopy Course- Fundamentals and Frontiers - July 9-20 - 2012

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We are pleased to announce the 2nd Bi-Annual Montreal Light Microscopy Course- Fundamentals and Frontiers
July 9 - 20, 2012 at McGill University in Montreal, Quebec.

Many choices:

Hands-on activities are limited to 24 people each week so register soon to ensure a spot!

Lectures 9AM-12:30PM
Hands-on Laboratory Activities 2PM-6PM

Each week starts off with an evening mixer. Keynote July 18th with wine and cheese reception. Brunch cruise on the Saint Lawrence River Saturday July 14th (additional charge).

Confirmed Course Faculty
Claire Brown, McGill University
Lisa Cameron, Dana Farber Cancer Institute
Pina Colarusso, University of Calgary
Michael Davidson, Florida State University
Elizabeth Jones, McGill University
James Jonkman, Princess Margaret Hospital
Paul Kulesa, Stowers Institute for Medical Research
Judith Lacoste, McGill University
Paul Maddox, University of Montreal
Edward Ruthazer, Montreal Neurological Institute
Michael Stanley, Chroma Technologies
Ernst Stelzer, EMBL
Thomas Stroh, Montreal Neurological Institute

Week 1 - Fundamentals
Topics will include:

Light-matter Interactions, Basic Optics and Image Formation, Brightfield, Phase Contrast
Objectives, Resolution, Sampling and Aberrations, Polarization and DIC, Fluorescence and fluorescent markers, Excitation sources, Filters and Mirrors, Detectors, Immunofluorescence, Multi-colour experiments, Digital Images, Image Processing and Analysis, Quantitative Imaging, Ethics of Image Manipulation, Wide-field Deconvolution
Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy, Multi-photon Microscopy, Spinning Disk Confocal Microscopy, Total Internal Reflection Fluorescence (TIRF), Super-resolution Microscopy
Live Cell Imaging, Co-localization, Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET),
Advanced Image Processing and Analysis

Week 2 - Frontiers
Topics will include:
Fluorescent proteins, Photobleaching Techiques, Co-localization, Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET), Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Microscopy (FLIM), FLIM-FRET, Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy (FCS), Image Correlation Microscopy, Single molecule Techniques, Number versus brightness analysis, Stimulated Emission Depletion (STED), Structured Illumination Microscopy (SIM), Single Molecule Localization Techniques (PALM, F-PALM, STORM, dSTORM, GSD), Super-Resolution (Nanoscopy) Dyes, Live Cell Imaging, Imaging Avian embryo development, Light Sheet Microscopy, Multi-Photon Neuronal Imaging, Introduction to EM (SEM, TEM, Cryo-EM),
Practical aspects of correlative light electron microscopy (CLEM), CLEM probes, Practical Applications of CLEM

More information and registration at:<>