Claire Brown |
To join, leave or search the confocal microscopy listserv, go to: Post images on and include the link in your posting. ***** Preview this message in your browser: Montreal Light Microscopy Course 2018 Frontiers: 3D Imaging: Dead or Alive July 16-20, 2018 McGill University, McIntyre Medical Sciences Building<> This year's MLMC Frontiers: 3D Imaging: Dead or Alive course will be held from July 16-20, 2018, and we sincerely hope you will join us at McGill University in Montreal. The Program outline for the course week is now available. Download the MLMC 2018 Program: _______ MLMC Candidates - Application: Interested candidates must apply for one of the thirty-six available spots. Applications will be processed on a first-come first-serve basis. Application Deadline: May 4, 2018. The July 2018 MLMC is designed to provide one week of intermediate to advanced instruction in optical microscopy. Core facility staff and managers, graduate students, post doctoral fellows, PIs, and research scientists are all welcome to attend. The course will be a mix of lectures and hands-on sessions on a wide variety of optical microscopy instruments including image analysis Included in the $1,600 course fee: Course materials, daily lectures and hands-on workshops, AM and PM breaks, buffet lunch, Lunch-N-Learn sessions, Monday opening reception, Wednesday Keynote Lecture and reception, and Friday closing dinner. Total registration cost for accepted candidates will be finalized upon acceptance and calculation of applicable taxes. Payment will be by cheque or McGill FOAPAL. _______ MLMC Topics: - Imaging Fixed Samples - Live Cell Imaging - Photo-Manipulation - Measuring Cellular Dynamics - Light Sheet Microscopy - Multi-Photon Microscopy - Laser Scanning Confocal - Spinning Disk Confocal - Multi-Dimensional Imaging - Image Processing and Analysis The goal of the MLMC Frontiers course is to educate researchers and provide them with a comprehensive foundation of knowledge and training in modern light microscopy technologies. _______ Partner and Sponsor Options and Registration: Please take a moment to peruse our MLMC 2018 partnership and sponsorship opportunities: Industry partners and sponsors must register online to secure their sponsorship commitments. The MLMC Secretariat will contact you with further details. Should your commitment not include a complimentary registration, industry representatives are invited to register and participate in the MLMC. The registration fee for industry representatives is $600.00 ($689.85 including applicable taxes). Course materials, daily lectures, coffee breaks, buffet lunch, Lunch-N-Learn sessions, Monday opening reception, Wednesday Keynote Lecture and reception, and Friday night closing dinner, are included in the fee (only the hands-on workshops are not included). Your sponsorship and representative registrations will be finalized and confirmed upon receipt of payment by cheque. _______ Keynote Lecture: Even if you are unavailable for the MLMC, please feel free to join us on Wednesday evening, July 18, 2018. Dr. John D. Lewis, Associate Professor, Department of Oncology, University of Alberta will speak on Intravital Imaging of the Tumor Microenvironment Download the PDF flyer: Wine and Cheese reception to follow in the 6th floor Martin amphitheatre lobby. All are welcome. There is no charge to attend, but registration is required. We ask that you REGISTER ONLINE using this special MLMC 2018 Keynote Lecture Registration Form: _______ Please see the Registration and Application page on the MLMC 2018 website for further details: Or contact the MLMC Secretariat if you have any questions at all: [hidden email]<mailto:[hidden email]> We also ask you to please pass the information on to others who may be interested. We look forward to reviewing your application or registration, and to seeing you this July! Thank you and regards from the Program Committee, Claire Brown, Advanced BioImaging Facility, McGill University Pina Colarusso, Live Cell Imaging Facility, University of Calgary James Jonkman, Advanced Optical Microscopy Facility, University Health Network Thomas Stroh, Neuro Microscopy Imaging Centre, Montreal Neurological Institute Rima-Marie Wazen, Live Cell Imaging Facility, University of Calgary Erika (Tse-Luen) Wee, Advanced BioImaging Facility, McGill University _______ Montreal Light Microscopy Course - MLMC 2018 Frontiers<> [hidden email]<mailto:[hidden email]> | [hidden email]<mailto:[hidden email]> |
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